Tel: 07761 558 314 or 0151 608 7405
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African Supper Club


We deliver workshops about lifestyle issues utilizing multicultural approach. Grace shows you how to select and cook healthy, tasty options of your favourite multicultural ingredients. She emphasizes the health benefits of some of these ingredients.

Some of these are backed up by researches. Recently, Grace has been engaged with local universities in food research and reviews especially the Afro-Caribbean ingredients. There are more researches to come.

If you will like to be part of our research, to partner or to fund it, get in touch. There is a large scope. Afro-Caribbean food needs evidences / confirmations of its health giving benefits and recognition.

School Projects – whether you are celebrating diversity/ multicultural day or healthy eating week, we can work with your school to deliver cookery sessions, healthy eating / lifestyle workshop and African Culture Workshops with resources. RNK will bring multiculturalism into your event, building bridges and creating harmony.

Also, we can supply your school with resources for visual aids and recipes. Session can be tailored-made to suite specific needs.

We have been going to schools teaching hand on cooking and demonstrations. Passing on cookery skills, reinforcing the importance of healthy cooking and of course food tasting! This has gone down well indeed. If you will like RNK to come to your school or you know a school that can benefit, give us a bell.